Characteristics Of Human Resource Planning

Characteristics of effective human resource planning are as follows:

1. Future Oriented
Human resource planning is prepared to assess the future requirement of manpower in the organization. It helps identify the size and composition of resources for future purpose.

2. Continuous Process
Human resource planning is a continuous process. The human resource planning prepared today may not be applicable for future due to ever changing external forces of the environment. Hence, to address such changing factors, the human resource planning needs to be revised and updated continuously.

3. Optimum Utilization Of Human Resources
:Human resource planning focuses on optimum utilization of resources in the organization. It checks how the employees are utilized in a productive manner. It also identifies employees' existing capabilities and future potentialities to perform the work.

4. Right Kinds And Numbers
Human resource planning determines the right number and kind of people at the right time and right place who are capable of performing the required jobs. It also assesses the future requirement of manpower for organizational objective.

5. Determination Of Demand And Supply
Human resource planning is a process of determining demand for and supply of human resources in the organization.  Then a match between demand and supply estimates the optimum level of manpower.

6. Environmental Influence
Human resource planning is influenced by environmental changes, hence, it is to be updated as per the change occupied in the external environment.

7. Related To Corporate Plan
Human resource planning is an integral part of overall corporate plan of the organization. It can be formulated at strategic, tactical and operational levels.

8. A Part Of Human Resource Management System
As a part of total human resource management system, human resource planning is regarded as a component or element of HRM which is concerned with acquisition ans assessment of manpower. It serves as a foundation for the management of human resource in an effective and efficient manner.


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