Internal Sources And Methods Of Recruitment

Internal Sources Of Recruitment
Internal sources refer to recruiting employees from within the organization. In deciding requirement of employees, initial consideration should be given to a company's current employees, which is concerned with internal recruitment. They include those who are already available on the pay roll of the company. This is important source of recruitment as it provides opportunities for better development and utilization of existing human resources in the organization.
There are two aspects of recruitment under internal sources. They are as follows:

1. Promotions
It refers to promoting or upgrading an employee who is already existed in the pay roll and contributed for organizational performance. It is done by shifting an employee to a higher position with high responsibilities, facilities, status and pay. Usually, many companies fill higher job vacancies by promoting employees who are considered fit for such positions. This is due to fact that it has a great psychological impact over other employees for their motivation towards better performance.

2. Transfers
It is an alternative technique to promotion. Under it, employees are internally recruited through transfer from one work place to another. It means, transfer refers to the process of interchanging the job duties and responsibilities of employees from one place to another or from one department to another. It involves shifting of people from one job to another without any promotion in their position or grade. It is a good source of generating qualified employees from over-staffed departments.

Methods Of Internal Recruitment
There are two methods of recruiting qualified candidates under internal recruitment. They are as follows:

1. Job Posting
Job posting is an open invitation to all employees in an organization to apply for the vacant position. It provides an equal opportunity to all employees currently working in the organization. Today it has become a very common practice in many organizations across the world. Under this, vacancy announcement is made through bulletin boards or in lists available to all employees. Interested employees, then apply for the post being advertised. In this way, it has become one of the cost saving techniques of recruitment.

2. Employee Referrals
Employee referral is recruiting new people based on the reference of current employee. Under this method, a candidate is appointed on the recommendation of some currently working employees. Usually this is nomination by supervisors. It is effective generally particularly to find critically skilled candidate for an organization. It has been a major source of new hires at many levels including professionals. It can be a good method of internal recruitment when employees recommend a successful candidate. However, it may be influenced by the tendency of developing good prospects for their families and friends in the organization.


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