Concept And Meaning Of Employee Discipline

Discipline means behaving in a right and desired manner. It connotes orderly and acceptable behavior by the members of the organization. The employees are of different kinds and they come from different background, cultures and experiences with different norms, values and cultures. Hence, if they behave differently, the organizational objectives will be far beyond from target of achievement. 
Employee discipline can be referred as a force that promotes individuals.groups to observe the rules, regulations and procedures of the organization which are necessary to achieve organizational  goals. It is a condition in which employees perform organizational activities with a consistent behavior. In other words, it is said that discipline avoids disorder, irregularity and confusion. It is a condition in an organization when employees perform their activities in accordance of organizational rules and regulations. Through such disciplinary actions, employees confirm with what is considered proper behavior. It means, the employees confirm to organizational rules and regulations framed by the organization as acceptable behavior.
Therefore, employee discipline is a procedure that helps correct or punish a subordinate so that he/she conducts activities to within and acceptable manner. It is a tool that managers can rely on to communicate organizational behaviors to the employees. Usually, disciplinary actions are framed by supervisors, however, in self-managed work teams, it is a team's responsibility to maintain discipline at work.


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