Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is influenced or affected by various factors which are as follows:

1. Employee's Expectation About Job
The expectation of reward from the job greatly influences job satisfaction. After performing the task what the individual is supposed to achieve determines the level of job satisfaction. The expected reward can be in term of intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards.

2. Reward And Punishment
This factor is closely related with expectation of intrinsic and extrinsic reward. Under it, a better performer gets reward, whereas the worse performer gets punishment. Due to expectation of reward and fear of punishment, employees are motivated at work thereby leading to job satisfaction.

3. Working Condition
Working conditions include work load, necessary equipments, job complexities, work opportunities, health and safety, etc. These forces are directly related to the job satisfaction. Better working condition results higher job satisfaction and vice versa.

4. Communication
A properly and effectively designed communication network provides ample opportunity for providing/transmitting various information relating to the job and its environment. Hence, it reduces potential frustration thereby increasing job satisfaction.

5. Personal Ability
Job satisfaction directly concerned with employee's ability, interest, attitude, skills, knowledge etc. Hence, highly capable person can perform the job effectively and efficiently which leads for greater job satisfaction.

6. Work Groups
Work group or work team is a collection of two or more individuals in order to achieve a common purpose. The nature of such work group affects the level of job satisfaction. If the individuals are closely interconnected with each other and directed toward a common end, the team performance will be enhanced. As a result, greater job satisfaction takes place.

7. Supervision
The frequency, nature and style of supervision also affects job satisfaction. When the supervision establishes supportive relationship with the team members, this will result in greater job satisfaction among the members/subordinates.


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