Process Of Evaluating Training Programs

The training program should be evaluated to prepare a comprehensive training program. It is a continuous process which has the following steps:

1.Development Of Evaluation Criteria
For a successful evaluation of training programs, an effective evaluation criterion has to be developed. The evaluation criterion serves as a standard for measuring training effectiveness. They can be in terms of reaction, learning, behavior and result.

2. Pre-test Trainees
This is a mechanism arranged before implementing the training program as to find out the behavioral reactions of the trainees. Once the criterion is developed, a pretest is conducted in order to find out the existing level of knowledge, interpersonal skill and abilities of the participants.

3. Monitor Training
This is concerned with the process of monitoring the training programs while implementing the programs for providing knowledge and behavioral skills to the trainees. It is performed to identify whether the training program has been implemented properly or not. This also helps to know the sufficiency of training programs.

4. Evaluation
Evaluation is concerned with the final assessment of result obtained from the implementation of training program. It is conducted after the completion of training activities in order to find out their response about training programs.

Feedback refers to a mechanism which provides information on an overall position of training program. The feedback mechanism helps HR experts to know about the success or failure of the training. This also provides a guideline for the future determination of training needs.


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