Concept And Meaning Of Recruitment

Recruitment is a process of identifying and preparing potential candidates to fill the application form. It is an initial phase of employment process. Recruitment inspires the potential candidates to fill the application form for employment. After estimating the need and requirement of human resource in an organization, the HR manager proceeds with identification of sources of HR, which is termed as recruitment.
Recruitment may be defined as a process of bringing right people for right position, at the right time to perform organizational activities in order to achieve the objectives. It is concerned with identifying and attracting a pool of candidates to fill the organizational vacancies. Recruitment generates applications or applicants for specific positions to be filled in the organization. In other words, it is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. Hence, theoretically recruitment process ends with the receipt of applications. It is regarded as a positive process as it attracts a large number of qualified applicants who will take the job if it is offered.
It is concluded that, recruitment is a process of searching for and securing applicants for specific position to be filled. It specifies HR requirements through the generation of a pool of candidates for organizational vacancies. It identifies different sources of manpower. Recruitment process identifies the following:

1. Recruitment process identifies different sources of manpower supply,
2. Recruitment assesses their validity,
3. Recruitment process choose the most suitable source and
4. Recruitment process invites applications from  prospective candidates.

Recruitment process begins after preparing HR planning and conducting job analysis. Therefore, it keeps a relationship with other human resource activities.


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