Recruitment Process Or Steps Of Recruitment

Recruitment is a step-by-step process of locating, identifying and attracting qualified people to apply for the vacant post in an organization. It requires the following phases:

1. Identifying The HR Requirement
The first step of recruitment is to assess the requirement of human resource in an organization to carry out the organizational mission, goals and objectives. Under this step, the required number and kinds of people needed for the organizational performance are identified. It can be done through the information obtained from HR planning and job analysis. This provides information on the current availability of human resources and anticipates the future requirement of HR for organizational activities. Under it, comprehensive draft is prepared specifying the duties, responsibilities, working conditions and skill requirements to perform the task.

2. Identifying Possible Sources Of HR Supply
After the assessment of HR requirement, the probable sources are identified for generating a pool of qualified candidates. This process involves searching for the potential candidates. Mainly sources of HR supply are of two types: internal sources and external sources. Internal sources consist of transfers and promotions. Whereas, external sources include a variety of alternatives like employment agencies, advertisement, casual callers, recommendations, educational institutions etc. Along with the probable sources, the suitable method of recruitment is also identified under this phase of recruitment. The sources and methods are adopted in such a way that they provide the best and qualified human resource at a minimum cost.

3. Communicating The Information 
In this step of recruitment, the potential candidates are informed about vacancy announcement.Under it, the information about the job requirement is passed away to the potential candidates about the job and required number of employees to be recruited. This information is passed away through different media or from the organization's notice board. The popular media for vacancy announcement are print media, electronic media, internet, and so on.

4. Receiving Application
Recruitment process ends by generating a pool of qualified candidate to fill organizational vacancies. Under it, a recruiter receives the application forms dropped by different applicants who are interested to apply for a job. It provides a pool of candidates for selection. After recruitment, selection process begins, which chooses the best applicant for the job who is supposed to perform well in the actual work situation. After receiving application forms, they are evaluated to check whether the basic requirement is maintained or not.


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